Change management

Managing change is never an easy task and very difficult to do in times of crisis and social and technological changes. If your company is having trouble managing changes of your business model, we are here to help you, give advice and share experiences from our projects that we have done with over 30 clients in 11 different industries.

Changing corporate culture

During our careers in different corporations we were often charged with tasks to change existing business models. The most important task was to facilitate change of mindsets of company owners, top and middle management as well as the rest of the organization.

Our invaluable experience is a great asset in our consulting practice and we use it in all our projects that deal with changes of corporate culture or mindset. Companies that have turned to us for this see us as partners in this process and our approach is hands-on and focused.  

In order to deliver what the client wants, we first have to have a deep understanding of current corporate culture, it’s strategic goals, expectations of company owners and management regarding business results as well as expectations of all shareholders regarding strategic goals and their fulfillment and all challenges they encounter.

We use various formats of workshops and interviews to make a current sate analysis of the existing business model. Then we propose an operational plan of activities which will bring about the desired business model, mindset, and corporate culture. This plan includes specific activities and KPIs as well as defines which stakeholders are involved.

If you are also facing challenges in your process of changing the business model to adapt to the digital economy, contact us. We believe we can help you meet those challenges and thrive in the digital age.

Business model innovation

Innovation is often considered luck, intuition or is somehow connected with brilliance. Often, as examples of innovative companies, people use Google, Facebook, Tesla and similar technology companies. What these companies have in common is the fact that they were until recently start-ups who grew rapidly and became synonymous for innovation. But what about all of us working for companies in the region, established during socialism? Or those of us working for multinational companies and we are expected to implement corporate strategies which include innovation but at the same time deliver results that cannot be delivered within the existing business model?

We believe, based on our experience, that any company can be innovative. Ability to do innovation is not reserved only for technological companies nor has anything to do with coincidence. A company cannot develop an innovative business model by coincidence. This can only be achieved through structured, well-defined plan of activities which has to be implemented through hands-on involvement of the top management and the rest of the company.

If you would like to know more about how we manage innovation processes, contact us and we will be happy to share our experiences and knowledge.

Improving employee experience

Many companies nowadays claim that “employees are our greatest asset”.

Unfortunately, very often this claim is not translated into everyday business. Most companies are focused on developing vertical organizational structures, employees are treated hands-off, evaluations are done by managers or 360, etc. Often one forgets that performance and peer relations are not the only experiences in the company.

One must not forget experiences such as working with applications, how intuitive or fast they are, opportunities for employees to work on projects, personal and professional, feedback culture etc. Furthermore, today’s employees do not like hierarchical power structures of today’s workplace where they often cannot move forwards based on merit and potential.

Similar to the customer journey where we look into more that the price of the product or service, such as ambiance, relationship with the seller, product quality, support processes etc., so in the employee journey there is more to explore than satisfaction with pay and job security.

If you want to create a motivating work environment, create personalized experiences and  which will appeal to talented and hardworking individuals, it is time to think about the entire employee experience. If you would like to know about our approach to employee experience, contact us and schedule a meeting or a call.

Our clients